A message from our Rector

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do
not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so
doing some people have shown hospitality to angels
without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1-2
Hospitality is one of the core characteristics of the people of St. Luke’s Live Oak. I am often left in awe at the level of generosity and warmth of hospitality that exists here. From out coffee hours, adult Sunday School Bible Studies, Food Pantry and many outreach missions, to the way we seek to welcome new-commers, we are a welcoming faith family. The love shared here is genuine and Christ-breathed and it shows.
Hospitality is also at the heart of our entire Fall Schedule. “Alpha” begins in October and is both a ministry of evangelism and hospitality. We will begin this time showing hospitality to each other with a meal and then moving on to welcoming others to join us in the near future. Alpha is a course that is set up to allow you to ask the questions you have about your faith in a small group; to ask the questions you have on a Sunday and don’t always have the chance to ask. We invite you to join us Wednesdays and be our guest.
Hospitality is our goal for the “Fall Meet and Treat” as well, when we will open our doors to the community to come from some Christ-centred fun of shelling out candy and introducing ourselves to Live Oak and Suwannee County with fun, food, and laughter. We hope that this will be a first of many in a new annual event where we seek to reach out to the community and simply show our love for them and welcome them to get to know us.
It is also the theme of the upcoming Advent Concerts that our Music Director Michael, spoke of in his address at our last parish meeting. Yet, another invitation to the community to come and get to know the faithful and loving community that gathers here at St. Luke’s. Hospitality is at the very heart of the up-coming holiday seasons of Thanksgiving, and Christmas. But we are also called to share this Christian hospitality all year round, in breaking of the bread, walking with those in need.
As we welcome the community into our Church family, as we go out into the world with love and hospitality, we go knowing that we too will showing hospitality to angels and not even knowing it!
Come and see.
Blessings, Fr. Ken
Clergy & Staff

Father Ken Johnstone

Reverend Lydia Bush

Sister Maria Ann OSF
Second Order Franciscan Nun

Jasmine Burns
Church Administrator

Lynn Lee
Church Bookkeeper